Uniwersytet Wrocławski Linköping University
WSZ Edukacja


15.09.2014 r. - > Paper Proposal Submission  Deadline 

30.09.2014 - Paper Proposal Submission updated

Due to many requests, the submission deadline has been extended.

All papers should be accompanied by an abstract (English or Polish) of no more than 100-150 words and a short summary of the paper - proceedings (2000-2500 words, English or Polish)

Proceedings and abstracts should be submitted by logging in at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cmep2014


15.10.2014 -> Notification of Acceptance to Authors

20.10.2014-> Deadline for Registration and Registration Form Submission

Fill in the registration form : Registration Form , and send it by email to cmep2014@edukacja.wroc.pl 

Please include your Name and Panel in the subject line.

Please make sure you provide us with the correct information and accurate spelling. We will be using the spelling you provide to print your certificate and name badge. If you are a student, please scan your student ID card and send it to our e-mail.


20.10.2014 - > Payment deadline (the payment includes: participation, conference, publication, conference dinner and trip around Wrocław)


05.11. 2014 -> Extended abstract submission -500 words (you can send full paper till 30.10.2014 as well). Papers will be published in a monograph or academic journals.


25-27.11.2014 - > Conference Date


07.01. 2014 -> Full paper submission